Wanna-be, good-for-nothing, amateur hackers with nothing better to do than make life miserable for everyone else can kiss my ass. What I’m refering to, of course, is the fact that my site was recently hacked into (likely through this blogging software – that’s what I get for going free), and after a great deal of trouble was able to restore most of the entire deleted file structure, sans about a year’s…

September 8, 2005

Phone Photography – Blend

Phone Photos: Trees #2
May 1, 2005

Blend – Portland, OR May 1 – 31, 2005 Solo Exhibition I will almost always come across a great photo opportunity when I’m the least prepared. Since most cameras are a bit bulky to carry around all of the time, I tend to only take them on designated “photo outings.” The cell phone industry hit a jackpot when they decided to start manufacturing phones that could take pictures. Now, people…


Phone Photography – Voleur

Phone Photos: A Cold Day
February 1, 2005

Voleur – Portland, OR February 1 – 28, 2005 Shared Exhibition I will almost always come across a great photo opportunity when I’m the least prepared. Since most cameras are a bit bulky to carry around all of the time, I tend to only take them on designated “photo outings.” The cell phone industry hit a jackpot when they decided to start manufacturing phones that could take pictures. Now, people…



January 26, 2005

I’ve been told for some time that I’m emotionally “cut off”. So one day I decided to try and get in touch with my emotions by working on an art series. As with any art piece, I think some are much more successful than others, but that also has something to do with how well a particular emotion lends itself to interpretation and portrayal.  


I hate it when I’ve got something in my head that I just can’t get to come out in art form. For example, I’ve been working on this new piece the last couple of days. Now, most of my digital art stuff doens’t take me more than a day or so. There are exceptions, of course, but this one has taken a bit longer than usual. Originally, I had this idea…

July 21, 2004