Currently playing: Call of Cthulhu – Dark Corners of the Earth

The first time I played Doom it scared the frak out of me. Now there’s something meatier. Literally, meatier. Well, okay, Doom had a lot of meat chunks in it, but they were alien meat chunks. Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth has human meat chunks. And sometimes they’re not even chunks, just maggot ridden corpses. Now, I don’t play many video games these days, but I know…

January 19, 2007

The Call of Cthulhu as an animated kid show? Disney Spills The Beans. -Robert M. Price, The Daily Lurker Anaheim, CA – Today, a spokesman for Disney Studios announced that the latest in their long series of family-adapted classics will be H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Call of Cthulhu.” When asked if such a horror classic was perhaps not appropriate for young children, the Disney representative, wearing prominent mouse ears, answered, “Who said…

January 8, 2007

In my head: What shall we do with the drunken sailor” – Traditional

I keep wanting to blog about how I’m learning to play the guitar, but I’m too busy playing the guitar to do it.  I guess that means it’s going pretty well, but me – the perpetual perfectionist – am unhappy that after my first four days of learning still haven’t mastered the G major to C major transition smoothly and instantly. I know I need to be patient (and fortunately,…

January 7, 2007

In my head: “I will follow you into the dark” – Death Cab For Cutie

I told myself a few weeks ago that I was going to make it my priority to work on my phone photo book. Obviously I neglected to rank that priority, because it seems to be even lower than taking out the trash. Yup. I’ve done exactly 0% work on it. Well, if you count looking at a couple of the photos I was thinking of including, then maybe it gets bumped up…

January 2, 2007


January 26, 2006

This may be seen as hypocritical, since I in no way purport to be “serving” the cause to prevent animal cruelty (I regularly eat at horrible fast food restaurants… although I do feel guilty whenever I’m reminded of where the stuff comes from). But I say fie to that. Just because I don’t practice what I preach – well, I’m not actually preaching anything, but you see what I’m saying…


In the Garden

December 1, 2005

Backspace – Portland, OR December 1 – 31, 2005 Group Exhibition So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. And the Lord God formed…



Man on the Bus
November 1, 2005

Pushdot Studio – Portland, OR November 1 – 30, 2005 Solo Exhibition “Vicissitude” 1.  The quality of being changeable; mutablility regarded as a natural process or tendancy in human affairs. 2.  Changes in circumstances; uncertainties or variations of fortune or outcome. As a photographer, I almost never shoot people.  It just doesn’t work for me.  By contrast, my digital work is almost completely people-centric. There’s something about being able to…