Countdown, day 3

It occurred to me today, that no one is actually going to see the picture I post on the day of the wedding (or the day before, most likely). A) There will probably not be anywhere to go look at it, and B) everyone will have far more important things to be thinking about than an image of flowers.

That and they’ll all be drunk. Like I wish I could be.

But does that mean I’m going to slack off and not post it? No sir! Since it’s really just the thought that counts, it’ll be done anyway. That way when people return from their weekend of joyous fun, there will be just that one more thing awaiting them when they return.

Since I know everyone out there is just holding their breath, waiting for me to post these images every day. Uh huh.

In any case, here you go.

1 Comment

Today’s is my favorite one so far. I’m not going to be able to see the other two until I get back. You’ll be missed.

Posted by peachy keen @ 09/11/03 09:42 AM

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