I’m not really that big on kaleidoscope images. I like the actual things, and will lose myself in them for good periods of time, but that’s because they’re dynamic and always changing. Still images don’t really have that magic for me. This one is an exception though, so after how long it took me to get something I liked, I figured I’d use it .

LoCreShiMo 2017, Nov 2
Years ago, when cell phone cameras were in their infancy, I started a project I called c3. I would shoot photos on my cell, as-is, with no after effects or photo manipulation. Because the quality and resolution were so terrible, it often produced wonderful images. Now, however, with cell phone cameras having the same resolution of many digital SLRs, it’s harder to get that kind of image without resorting to…

Absence (#15)
He opened his eyes, exhaling slowly into the dark. The tears had gone, the punishing waves of sorrow and anger ebbed, their vacancy replaced by the aches in his stomach and jaw, exhausted from hours of repeated clenching. He’d lost track of the details – holes in the walls, scratches and bruises, unsilenceable screams. They, like the others of laughter and love, companionship and support, were unraveled threads in a…

Do as I say, not as I do
How many times have I heard that? I know I’ve said it. Yet while that mentality is occasionally applicable under certain circumstances, for the most part, I think it’s total bullshit. I get it. If you’re teaching someone impressionable, you need to teach them the right way. But why then, does the teacher get a free pass? Does experience bring with it the right to be lazy, or to tout bad…

In the hospital (#14)
I got the call at 10PM. He had acute appendicitis, she said, and was going into surgery immediately. I got into the car and drove. It took me less than two hours, but I fought panic the entire way. It’ll be fine, I thought. It’s common. But the words didn’t comfort me. I feigned calmness while they showed me to his recovery room. He was sleeping, curled around his pooh bear, an IV running…

Book update
In November of 2015, I participated in NaNoWriMo for the first time. It was something I’d been meaning to do for years, but continually found reasons to put off, and finally decided to step up to. Surprisingly, I not only completed, but exceeded it. Okay, that’s not entirely true. In terms of the word goal for the month, I “won,” but it did take me an additional week or two…

Experience and maturation
When I hear “do you remember your first…” the first thing that comes to mind is of course the first kiss, or even more racey, loss of virginity. Granted, I tend to focus more on those types of physical things, but there are plenty of other firsts I can think of too. My first time riding a bike. My first day in middle school. My first day in the Marine…