X-mas Files 2 (v.1)

“You gonn’ be da furst one ta feel da ultimate power,punk.” Damn, he’s a big man.  One of the biggest I’ve seen actually.  Good voice too.  Let me guess, a singing instructor for garbage men? “I’s ‘bout ta wipe dat stupid grin offa yo face fo good sucka.  What you got ta say ‘bout dat?” Oooo.  What to say, what to say?  I mean, the guy could send me flying…

March 24, 1998

Puppetland (Story)

Once upon a time… There lived an old man, not just figuratively, he was quite old.  In fact, he’d been around for so long, he was rather tired of being around.  He’d done everything he wanted to do, and seen everything he wanted to see, which in his old opinion, amounted to nothing good at all. The world was an awful place, you see, with wars and destruction, cruelty and…

March 24, 1998

Puppetland (Outline)

This story is all merely a fantasy created by the “Maker” after witnessing all of the horrors of the real world, and finally, after seeing his best friend gunned down by Nazis, retreats into his own mind.  He loses all contact with the outside, thus in Puppetland, the outside time does not progress at all.  The warring factions within him are the forces of good, the forces of evil (Nazis),…

March 24, 1998


It’s my kind of place.  The lights.  The smoke.  The music.  Damn, I love this music.  There’s nothing like a good country song to suit that kick ass mood.  Hell, there’s a country song for every mood.  Give me a couple more beers and I’ll be ready for one of those sad, make you cry songs, but not yet.  They’re playing Garth’s “Rodeo” on the box, but it’s not quite…

March 24, 1998


People are whatever their dreams make them, that’s what her mother had always said.  What she had neglected to add was the work people had to go through to achieve them.  So there Sandra sat in the dressing area of the small theater, practically chewing her fingernails to the bone.  Ten minutes until her slot.  Number two thirty seven.  Jesus!  Two hundred and thirty seven plus people auditioning for this…

March 24, 1998


I watched her, there in that room filled with strangers, the dim light and smoke filled air adding to the already pervading atmosphere of indecency. And I saw only beauty. Her movements held my attention so that little else mattered. For how long I do not know, only that every set she danced that night, I watched with rapt interest. It was as though she were straight from a fairy tale, the beautiful princess…

June 25, 1997