Experience and maturation

January 19, 2016

When I hear “do you remember your first…” the first thing that comes to mind is of course the first kiss, or even more racey, loss of virginity. Granted, I tend to focus more on those types of physical things, but there are plenty of other firsts I can think of too. My first time riding a bike. My first day in middle school. My first day in the Marine…


Ratty Old T-shirt

I’ve got a t-shirt that’s 18 years old. I haven’t worn it often, because there’s a part of my brain that tells me I need to preserve it. To save it. That its life is finite, and every time I put it on, it’s that much closer to being gone forever. I’m quite sure it’s because that time in my life has faded into distorted memories, and the shirt is one of the few…

February 12, 2015

Hiraeth – Rhan Un

In life, we continually find ourselves in different places.  I’m not speaking physically, though that is usually the case as well, but more philosophically.  Most of us hope that this is a progression for good, and that as we move on, we found ourselves in ultimately more and more secure positions.  This is all general, of course.  There are always ups and downs, but when one looks at the overall…

June 29, 2014

Remember me?

Ninety-nine cents. It was on sale you see. A quart of Gatorade for ninety-nine cents. And it was my meal for the day.

May 30, 2014

The Limit

The sun is high in the sky, it’s hot, and the mosquitoes are out in force; another wonderful day in the Marine Corps. It was only four hours ago that the two-ton trucks brought us here from the naval center, dropping us off in the middle of nowhere. We staged our gear at a back-woods community center, got our instructions for the day, and set off on this little nature…

May 30, 2014

Fur and Bones

Shadow was the best cat in the world. Most people say that about their cats, but in this case it’s the truth. I’ve had other cats, and none of them compared. Even the ones I raised from kittens, as I did with him.

May 30, 2014

The Serpent

Ghost Written for Dr. Coke The sand of the final dune slides through my fingers as I rapidly scramble up its side, clawing at the grains which give way so easily to pressure. I stop for an instant, as the sand engulfs my hand, wrapping it in a cold encasement. The feeling freezes me as I kneel, the coolness of it on my skin. Peter’s voice brings me back.

May 30, 2014